


假丝酵母耳 (C耳)是一种酵母(真菌). It can cause a severe 感染 in hospital or nursing home patients. 这些人通常已经病得很重了.

C耳 感染s often do not get better with the antifungal medicines that usually treat candida 感染s. When this occurs, the fungus is said to be resistant to antifungal medicines. 这使得治疗感染变得非常困难.

C耳 健康人很少感染.


假丝酵母耳; Candida; C耳; Fungal - auris; Fungus - auris


有些人携带 C耳 在他们的身体上,不会让他们生病. 这被称为“殖民化”." This means they can easily spread the germ without knowing it. 然而,被殖民的人 C耳 are still at risk for getting an 感染 from the fungus.

C耳 can be spread from person-to-person or from contact with objects or equipment. People in hospitals and people living long-term in nursing homes can be colonized with C耳. They can spread it to objects in the facility, such as bedside tables and handrails. Health care providers and visiting family and friends who have contact with a person with C耳 会传染给十大赌博平台排行榜里的其他人吗.

一次 C耳 enters the body, it can cause a severe 感染 of the bloodstream and organs. This is more likely to occur in people with a weakened immune system. People who have breathing or feeding tubes or IV catheters are at the highest risk of 感染.

其他风险因素 C耳 感染包括:

  • Living in a nursing home or making many visits to the hospital
  • 经常服用抗生素或抗真菌药物
  • 有很多健康问题
  • 最近刚做过手术

C耳 感染发生在所有年龄段的人群中.


C耳 感染s can be hard to identity for the following reasons:

  • a的症状 C耳 感染 are similar to those caused by other fungal 感染s.
  • 那些有 C耳 感染者往往已经病得很重. 症状 of 感染 are hard to tell apart from other symptoms.
  • C耳 can be mistaken for other types of fungus unless special lab tests are used to identify it.

High fever with chills that does not get better after taking antibiotics may be a sign of a C耳 感染. Tell your provider right away if you or a loved one has an 感染 that is not getting better, 即使在治疗之后.


A C耳 感染 can't be easily diagnosed using standard methods. 如果你的十大赌博平台排行榜认为你的病是由 C耳他们需要进行特殊的实验室测试.


  • 带差动的全血细胞计数
  • 血培养
  • 基础代谢组
  • B-1,3 glucan test (testing for a specific sugar found on some fungi)

Your provider also may suggest testing if they suspect you have been colonized with C耳,或者你的检测结果呈阳性 C耳 之前.


C耳 感染s are often treated with antifungal medicines called echinocandins. 其他类型的抗真菌药物也可以使用.

一些 C耳 感染s do not respond to any of the main classes of antifungal medicines. In such cases, more than one antifungal medicine or higher doses of these medicines may be used.


感染 C耳 can be hard to treat because of its resistance to antifungal medicines. 一个人做得多好取决于:

  • 感染多严重啊
  • Whether the 感染 has spread to the bloodstream and organs
  • 人的整体健康状况


C耳 感染s that spread to the bloodstream and organs in very ill people can often lead to death.



  • You have fever and chills that don't improve, even after antibiotic treatment
  • You have a fungal 感染 that doesn't improve, even after antifungal treatment
  • You develop fever and chills soon after coming in contact with a person who has a C耳 感染


遵循以下步骤可以防止病毒的传播 C耳:

  • 用肥皂和水彻底洗手. 或者,使用含酒精的洗手液. Do this 之前 and after contact with people who have this 感染 and 之前 and after touching any equipment in their room.
  • Make sure providers wash their hands or use hand sanitizer and wear gloves and gowns when interacting with patients. Don't be afraid to speak up if you notice any lapses in good hygiene.
  • 如果你爱的人有 C耳 感染, they should be isolated from other patients and kept in a separate room.
  • If you are visiting your loved one who has been isolated from other patients, please follow the directions of the healthcare workers on the procedure to enter and exit the room to minimize the chance of spreading the fungus.
  • These precautions should also be used for people who are colonized with C耳 until their provider determines they can no longer spread the fungus.

Contact your provider right away if you suspect that you or someone you know has this 感染.


疾病控制和预防中心网站. 假丝酵母耳. www.疾病预防控制中心.gov /真菌/ candida-auris /索引.html. 更新于2022年12月27日. 2023年6月8日访问.

疾病控制和预防中心网站. 假丝酵母耳: A drug-resistant germ that spreads in healthcare facilities. www.疾病预防控制中心.gov /真菌/ candida-auris / c-auris-drug-resistant.html. 2018年12月21日更新. 2023年6月8日访问.

疾病控制和预防中心网站. 假丝酵母耳 殖民. www.疾病预防控制中心.gov/fungal/candida-auris/fact-sheets/c-auris-殖民.html. 2020年5月29日更新. 2023年6月8日访问.

疾病控制和预防中心网站. 假丝酵母耳 给病人和家属的信息. www.疾病预防控制中心.gov /真菌/ candida-auris / patients-qa.html. 2021年4月9日更新. 2023年6月8日访问.

疾病控制和预防中心网站. 感染预防和控制 假丝酵母耳. www.疾病预防控制中心.gov /真菌/ candida-auris / c-auris-感染-control.html. 2023年1月17日更新. 2023年6月8日访问.

疾病控制和预防中心网站. 治疗及管理 C耳 感染和殖民. www.疾病预防控制中心.gov /真菌/ candida-auris / c-auris-treatment.html. 更新于2022年12月14日. 2023年6月8日访问.

Cortegiani A, Misseri G, Fasciana T, Giammanco A, Giarratano A, Chowdhary A. Epidemiology, clinical characteristics, resistance, and treatment of 感染s by 假丝酵母耳. J重症监护. 2018;6:69. PMID: 30397481 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.国家卫生研究院.gov / 30397481.

福斯伯格,伍德华,沃尔特斯,等. 假丝酵母耳: the recent emergence of a multidrug-resistant fungal pathogen. 地中海Mycol. 2019;57(1):1-12. PMID: 30085270 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.国家卫生研究院.gov / 30085270 /.

胡松,朱峰,姜伟,等. Retrospective analysis of the clinical characteristics of 假丝酵母耳 从2009年到2020年的全球感染. 前面Microbiol. 2021;12:658329. PMID: 34093471 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.国家卫生研究院.gov / 34093471.

审核日期: 05/19/2023

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